
This project is intended to make pupils from the participating centres aware of the influence science has on their everyday life and their actual surroundings. With this in mind, it will promote the development of three different tasks:

I. With a historical-scientific value, activities of a scientific character with deep historical roots which will be developed by each school taking part.

II. Activities of a mathematical-statistical kind. Environmental study of each village, town or district developed by the students taking part, using data from measures already carried out by the official organizations or institutions in charge of them.

III. Other activities designed to promote the knowledge or means of investigation and scientific development of institutions belonging to the geographical area of each participating centre.
This project will help to join all the involved institutions, allowing for the exchange of methods and experiences.


We strongly believe that scientific knowledge is a fundamental part of Europe’s historical and cultural root. Scientific advancement and its distribution throughout our continent has helped us to develop as countries and as a community which goes beyond the frontiers of each of the twenty seven countries making up the European Union. It is because of these achievements that Europe is one of the greatest powers in the world in all aspects (scientific, social, economic etc).
Unfortunately, the study of scientific disciplines can sometimes be far from the actual reality surrounding our students, but we believe that setting activities with a strong scientific nature, related to their actual realities, will help them to be conscious that science is a fundamental part of their lives and, no doubt, of our development. Science has always been there to help us grow as a country, to build Europe.
This project will show both to those who participate in it and to those who will have access to the products gained from it, a great number of investigative possibilities, scientific creation and applied knowledge means.

 We consider our project to be necessary because: 

  • It will contribute towards improving the students’ applied scientific knowledge in all the participating centres.
  • It will help them to learn the way the environmental topics chosen for this project are managed by official institutions from different countries.
  • It will help them to be aware of how the cooperative work developed by the different institutions involved, gives far higher results than those achieved by each one individually.
  • It will improve the students’ linguistic and scientific competences as well as their communicative skills in other languages spoken in the European Union.
  • It will allow them to learn new possibilities of personal formation (University studies) and working formation (jobs and work related to science) useful for their future.
  • It will make it possible for participating education centres to be in contact with institutions in charge of environmental control in their respective towns.
  • It will also facilitate transactional relationships between environmental institutions from different countries.
  • It will let them to take responsibilities as a natural consequence of working as a team.
  • It will make them feel as European citizens, capable of respecting and recognizing the worth of knowledge and work made in other European countries.

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