more information in annex V – WHY ARE INSTALLED AIR STATION IMMISSION

Spanish and visitors students left for the Asomadilla’s Park, to visit an environmental facility from the Junta de Andalucía. This facility analyses the air quality in an area with low traffic density in the city. Mr. Carlos Santos, statistical expertise from the Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio and technicians from the Measurements enterprise explained to all the group the environental legal regulations, the data adquisition made at the environmental facility and the later analysis with those data made by the authorities, following European, Spanish and Andalusian regulations.

    11015880_1632210076998268_543982374458357934_n   Students and teachers had the opportunity to get into the facility and ask to the technicians which were the data adquisitors, the scientific procedures to make the analysis and the mathematical and statistical procedures to compare them with other data sources all over the territory.

It was a starting point to know which are the data that government institution may offer us for the environmental study that will be made by students during the the second year of the project.4345300-3x2-940x627

As we had a sunny day, the visit to Asomadilla Park also offered us the possibility to introduce the students to the Erathostenes method for Earth radius measurement, one of the Project main objectives. Prof. Juan Carlos Collantes gave a first explanation to the students on the sun declination helped by two different gnomons: a dustpan and a laboratory support.

Network Monitoring and Control of Air Quality of Andalusia.

The network is composed of all assessment systems installed air quality in the territory of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, is the set of means which may be used for determining air quality. Assessment systems are air quality, among other stations measure air quality, fixed or mobile, laboratories and air quality modeling techniques and estimation objective.

These stations are located at representative points in order to optimize the information about the spatial distribution of the contamination. Some stations are located in areas such that the recorded values ​​are not overly influenced by local conditions. In contrast, other stations are designed to measure maximum recorded values ​​in an area, such as those aimed at pollution from vehicular traffic.


In the province of Córdoba are also Asomadilla station, other 5 stations: Lepant , Al- Nasir , Poblado, Obejo and Villaharta .


In most locations there is a data acquisition system, which concentrates the information of all sensors and sends primarily through GPRS or Internet connections, the Data Center Air Quality. These data are collected in real time, which is available at all times for an updated behavior of different pollutants in all regions information.

Depending on the characteristics of each area, the stations are provided with measuring devices for different contaminants (particles smaller than 10, 2.5 and 1 micron, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, ozone, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene and hydrogen sulfide) and meteorological (wind, rain, humidity, solar radiation, temperature and pressure ) .

Specifically, in station Asomadilla analyzers or sensors are installed to measure contamination of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides: both monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, pm10 particles (i.e. particles smaller than 10 microns ), ozone and a weather station that collects data on wind speed and direction, average temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, solar radiation, rainfall and ultraviolet radiation.

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