Eratosthene method

EARTH RADIUS FINAL RESULTThe Eratosthenes’ measurement of Earth’s radius is one of the most popular and fantastic experiences in the history of Science. Over the decades, it has always been admired not only because of its apparent simplicity but also due to  the different domains of knowledge that it involves: Geography, Mathematics and Physics.

Eratosthenes Method


  1.  Promote a collaborative learning between teachers and students with a non typical class activity.
  2.  Make the students know scientific methods coming from the ancient times.
  3.  Promote the interest for investigation and experimentation on sciences among the students.


  1.  Increase self confidence of students with activities like scientific explanations to other students in the school
  2.  Promote the exchange of experiences between students from other countries
  3.  Enhance the idea of working team all over Europe, developing an activity where the contribution from all countries is essential to achieve the final goal
  4.  Increase the use of ICT among the students, preparing presentations, videos, data sheets…


  • During the first meeting in Cordoba, it was agreed that all the partners will work on the project of the experiment before the meeting in Jurançon. Project coordinator proposed to explain the experiment to the other partners during Jurançon meeting and how to make accurate measurements with pupils to get a succesful result. The experiment would be made during the next spring. Dates would be decided during Jurançon meeting. At Jurançon meeting the Eratosthenes Method was explained by the coordinator. The partners proposed which days in the week would be the adequate for their respective schools. The best days would be Tuesday or Friday.
  • We would do it near to the spring equinox, trying to find a sunny day for, at least, the half of the partners. It was necessary to know that the calculus of the Earth Radius is only possible between couples of schools that have measured the shadow during the same day.
  • The first day for the experiment, if the weather was Ok, would be March 11th. If another day was needed, we would try it the week after.
  • The experiment was made in two days, March 11th and March 21.
  • All the partners sent to the coordinator school their respective results. Spanish team calculated the Earth Radius for SARAH Project, taking a commemorative banner to the meeting in Graz.

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