”CNR” – IMAA Research Institute in Potenza

The comunication manager of the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, Doctor Licia Fanti led  the Comenius group in the assembly all to get the presentation of studying environmental and geophysical processes. In here two researchers alternated with the presentation of their works,  the researcher Fabio Madonna, who presented his project :


CIAO CNR – IMAA :  Atmospheric  Observation,  by Fabio Madonna and  CIAO STAFF

The main fields of  CIAO  scientific mission are :

–          Monitoring climate

–          Monitoring Air quality

–          Modelling evaluation

–          Study of atmospheric processes

–          Certification and test of commercial devices

CIAO  STAFF  carried out  studies on Radiation – Atmosphere interactions.

Picture24  Picture25

monitoring  ETNA eruption November 2002) and Ceilometers for aerosol profiling  potential world.

To make a significant impact on students and to warm   the atmosphere Fabio Madonna involved  them in a scientific quiz that made the meeting more pleasant.

At 11:30 the partecipants had a break and subsequently  the work  continued with the introduction of Micro and Biominerals in Environmental and Human Health Issues focused on the  micro minerals (including clay minerals) in environmental processes as well as their impact on human health, led  by    Claudia Belviso – researcher CNR-IMAA.

The researcher  presented  the following activities :

–          Speciation of metals in  the presence of clay minerals in contaminated areas;

–          Experimental alteration of chrysolite and termolite, development of models for the assessment of asbestos risks;

–          Mineralogical and chemical characterization of atmospheric particulate;

–          Analysis  of the mineralogical factors  in land degradation phenomena ( erosion, salinisation, ladslides).

After the last presentation the participants were divided into two groups guided by the two researchers  and visited the laboratories.

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