



spain_640 (11)Our school is located in a beautiful town in the South of Spain, in Andalucia. The town is very well situated, close to cities such as Seville, Granada, Malaga, etc. It’s also well connected with other important cities, such as Madrid, which is less than two hours away by train. It makes the town an important centre for commercial life and business, joining Andalucia to the rest of the country.

Our school is a young institution, founded in the school year 2002-03, and situated very near the city centre, in a modern neighborhood, located in an area of expansion of the town. It is surrounded by different kinds of neighborhoods, some of the new and modern and others old. Some buildings of social disadvantaged families are also in the school vicinity.

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 For this reason, pupils who study in our school come with very different social, economical and cultural backgrounds. Some of the students are from high, other -middle and some of them are from low social classes. This fact makes us provide different programs to cope the different aims and needs of our students. So, integration of different cultures and social situations is one of the main purposes of our institution.

The school is engaged in a Programa de “Compensación Educativa” (Educational Balancing Program) for lower social class students, and pupils at risk of social exclusion. This program allows an adaptation of the curricula to the levels of knowledge of the students in order to prevent failure in the educational system. We provide SNE special needs education for a number of pupils with mental and physical disabilities. We organize a program to provide them with tools to be able to develop simple tasks related with administrative matters and make them capable to behave properly on their own.

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We also give lessons to young migrants who are integrated in ordinary classes and additionally attend more specific classes and learn Spanish language.
The school has also Secondary Compulsory Education and Post Compulsory Courses to prepare students to university. Finally, we also offer three different Vocational Training Studies for those pupils that prefer to develop different jobs and don’t intend to pursue university studies.

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Our role will be to coordinate all the partners, not only in the designed tasks but also in project evaluation. Also, we’ll coordinate the Earth radius measurement after Eratosthenes method among all the implicated institutions and graphic design of posters and project documents.

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